A&P Teaching
Resources and Tips for A&P Professors
Study Tips & Tools
Link your course website directly to Kevin’s Study Tips and Tools resources!

- Link to lionden.com/studytips for the main summary of study tips.
- Or, link directly to one or more of the individual pages.
- You can explore these additional pages using the top page menu in the Learning A&P tab.
- Copy the URL from the address window of your browser and use that as the link in your course or faculty web page
- You can link to any or all of my study tip pages from
- Any page in your learning management system (LMS)
- Course emails or announcements
- Your syllabus
- Bulletin boards
- Billboards around your town
All the study tips found at lionden.com are © Kevin Patton and may be copied into your own course material without prior written permission if you properly attribute the source, as in “Adapted from © Kevin Patton lionden.com” You are also free (and encouraged) to use the links to that material. For other uses, please obtain permission.
Tips and Tools for A&P Teachers
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Last updated: January 12, 2022 at 13:31 pm