Study Tips & Tools
Study Groups
One of the most effective ways to learn ANYTHING
Even medical schools often require that students form study groups because they know from centuries of experience that this is a vital form of learning? And modern learning science shows it’s true: there’s just about nothing you can try that will work better to help you learn new concepts.
Here’s a study group working on their human anatomy lesson.
Studying in a group is always popular when working with cadavers
—possibly because few beginners want to be alone in the room with one!
How do I form or join a study group?
You can find people to study with more easily than you think . . . even if you’re the shy type. The folks at your table in lab class are a good start. How about the table next to yours, too? The folks sitting around you in the lecture class might have a few minutes after class to go over things with you, too.
The staff of your school’s learning center are more than happy to help you form a study group for A&P! Once you form a study group, they can also help you with ideas for how use your time well as a group and can make an appointment to visit with your group in the learning center and work on material together. Your teacher and/or teaching assistants may be able to meet with your group to answer questions, too!
You don’t have to meet on campus, of course. You can meet just about anywhere. But be aware: party places such as bars and swimming pools don’t lend themselves to good study time!
Here are some ideas for how to study in a group
Make up practice test items for each other
Review your notes together, filling in each other “blank spots”
Compare flash cards and use them to quiz each other
Help each other make a personal study plan & schedule to prepare for each test
Make concept maps and concept lists together
Make a list of “trouble spots” while studying alone and bring them for a group help session
Teach others in your group a new concept you just learned
As a group, make up silly mnemonics and analogies to help you understand and remember difficult concepts.
Make up poems or songs/raps to help you remember important concepts. For example, the anatomical order of skin layers or the steps of synaptic transmission.
Here are some more tips and resources
Last updated: May 3, 2021 at 13:30 pm